
Showing 1–9 of 18 results

Sunlex Max (Sun Block) 30-Gram

Anti Acne Screen (SPF 50 Pa ++++) Your Skin Deserves to Look Flawless! This sunblock is specially made for people having sensitive skin. Having SPF 50+, Sunlex Max not only protects your skin from the sun but also helps in fostering shine-free skin.

Preagex (Anti Wrinkle) 30-Gram

Anti-Wrinkle Cream Treating fine lines and wrinkles doesn’t necessarily require a trip to the dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. Regularly using our anti-ageing products, such as PREAGEX, can make a real difference in how your skin looks and feels.

Photolex (Anti Aging) 100-ML

Anti Aging Moisturizing Lotion PHOTOLEX, a Non-Comedogenic Moisturizing Lotion - Rich with Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamins and Anti-Oxidants, loaded with hydration which soften, soothe, and condition even the flakiest skin. With a pearl-size drop application twice a day will help diminish fine lines, wrinkles and age spots.

Melanex (Lightening Therapy) 30-Gram

Skin Lighting Therapy Melanex is a natural skin whitening therapy mixed up with vitamins. This formula will not only lighten the skin but also will remove yellow-brown patches on the skin and will even ton the discolouration. It is the best therapy for sun-damaged skin.

Liplex (Pink Lips) 20-Gram

Pink Lips This is the best formula for pink, shiny and soft lips. Due to the daily usage of cosmetics, sun exposure and excessive caffeine, Lips are greatly affected. Now, you can kiss your worries goodbye and face the world with a smile that is priceless by using Liplex.

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